Saturday 21 July 2012


Today, more and more people are using their computers for communication, online banking, investing, shopping, etc. As we do these things daily, we open ourselves up to potential hackers, attackers and crackers. In this post I am listing out some of the best ways by which you can make your computer as well as your personal information secured.

Tips to make your computer secured
1.Make Backups
Always make backups of your important information and store it in a safe place (CD, DVD, hard disk) separate from your computer.

2.Update frequently
You must update and patch your operating system, web browser and softwares frequently in order to make your computer more secure.

3.Install firewall
Without a good firewall, viruses, worms, Trojans, malware and adware can all easily access your computer from the internet and this will surely damage your personal and important data.

4.Review your browser and email settings
Why should you do this? Active-X and JavaScript are often used by hackers to plant malicious programs into your computers.

5.Install Anti virus
Always install an anti virus software and regularly update it so that your computer remain unaffected from all types of viruses.

6.Do not open unknown email attachments
It is simply not enough that you may recognize the address from which it originates because many viruses can spread from a familiar address.

7.Do not run programs from unknown origins
Also, do not send these types of programs to friends and coworkers because they contain funny or amusing stories or jokes. They may contain a Trojans horse waiting to infect your computer.

8.Disable hidden filename extensions
By default, the Windows operating system is set to “hide file extensions for known file types”. Disable this option so that file extensions display in Windows. Some file extensions will, by default, continue to remain hidden, but you are more likely to see any unusual file extensions that do not belong.

9.Turn off computer
It is highly recommended by experts that we should turn off our computer and disconnect it from the internet when we are not using it. A hacker cannot attack your computer when you are disconnected from the internet or the computer is off.

10.Make a bootable disk
Making a bootable disk is a good practice because if your computer is damaged by a malicious program than you can easily format your computer and than reinstall the windows again.

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