Thursday 2 August 2012

Better BACKGROUND for Microsoft Documentation..

We hav white backgrond for our doc........... as default... but v can hav a blue also.... lets hav a view

1.) Open a Word Document by going to Start, All Programs, Microsoft Word.

2.) From the menu bar, click Tools.

3.) Select Options from the drop down menu.

4.) The Options dialogue box will open. Select the General tab.

5.) Now you will find a check box that says "Blue background, white text." Click to select it so that you have a tick mark on the box.

6.) Click OK to save the changes and to close the options dialogue box.

Now, go back to your Word document. See the difference?

Yes, now it has a blue background and when you type, the text will be all white. Try this for a few days and you should see a drastic change on the eye strain you've been experiencing.

Try this for yourself and feel the difference!

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